Hey there,
I'm Vipul Jha, also known as lordarcadius. I'm an Android developer from Delhi, India with experience in ROMs, Kernels, & Scripts. Currently, I am working in Primebook as an Android Engineer. I'm passionate about contributing to open-source projects and helping the developer community on Facebook and Telegram.

Covid-19 Status App
COVID-19 Status is a free, open-source Android application that shows the current state of COVID-19 in India and the world. It has a beautiful, simple, fast, and responsive UI.
- Java
- Firebase
- Rest API

Portfolio Website
This was my personal portfolio website that has all my work and project experience, including my resume. It used to be my main portfolio before deploying this current portfolio.
- Bootstrap
- JQuery

ABS Tweaks
ABS Tweaks or Arkaynine Boost Script is a collection of shell scripts written with the aim of enhancing the performance and battery life of an Android phone. It got 2 Lac+ downloads overall.
- Shell
- Busybox

ElectraBlue Kernel
ElectraBlue is a flash & forget custom kernel for supported Android devices. It was developed with the aim to provide a stable, fluid, & battery-efficient experience with customizations.
- Linux
- C
- Makefile
- Bash

Lenovo SNAPit
Lenovo SNAPit Camera was one of the finest OEM camera apps back in those days. It had tonnes of unique and amazing features. I ported it to work on almost all devices at that time.
- Java
- Libs
- Smali

CyanogenOS Apps
CyanogenOS 12.1 had a set of exclusive apps like a new theme engine and a new Truecaller integrated dialer. I ported it to work with CyanogenMod 13 and CM 13 based ROMs.
- Java
- Libs
I have extensive experience working with a variety of technologies as a developer. I've developed and maintained multiple projects using these technologies, and I'm always eager to learn more.
Android Apps, ROMs, & KernelsFlutter
Cross-platform app developmentKotlin
Android apps and Lambda functionsDart
Flutter apps onlyJava
Android apps and Lambda functionsHTML
Static webpages and portfolio projectsCSS
Styling of my webpagesMySQL
Storing client and user dataAWS Lambda
Lambda functions for creating APIsBash
Ease of life and build scriptsFirebase
Authentication, database and analyticsGit
Code management and open source contributions
Personal Achievements
Open Source Projects
Shell Scripts
Github Stars